Teaching Staff

Talented, experienced and hard-working experts

The teaching staff members of the Osaka YMCA are:

(1) Talented and rich in experience.

In addition to having a wealth of teaching experience at the pioneering Osaka YMCA Japanese Language School in Japan, they have a good reputation for their achievements and capabilities, such as writing/editing the best-selling teaching materials Tema-betsu Chukyu kara Manabu Nihongo and Tema-betsu Jokyu de Manabu Nihongo, published by Kenkyusha, and research and development for teaching materials through subsidies from the Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education.

(2) Always enthusiastic about research and studying, and will make bold efforts to

achieve new things.
They hold workshops on a regular basis and discuss teaching plans until late every night, in addition to constantly trying to maintain their enthusiasm about learning and studying. They always consider what they need to do for their students and always faithfully take care of learners: for example, they are willing to provide supplementary classes for students who are behind. In addition, they hold lectures and workshops on various major/minor themes to share the latest research results at joint teacher workshops with YMCA Japanese Language Schools in other areas twice a year.

Osaka YMCA International College (Tosabori)

University Preparatory Course, full-time instructor

University Preparatory Course, full-time instructor


Osaka YMCA Gakuin (Tennoji)

Comprehensive Japanese Course / Practical Japanese Course, full-time instructor

Comprehensive Japanese Course / Practical Japanese Course, full-time instructor